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Hye-Chung Kum, Professor of Public Health, Texas A&M University. Dr. Kum is cross trained in Computer Science (PhD in data mining) and social work (Masters of Social Work in the Macro track focusing on policy, management, and community organizing as opposed to clinical SW) with over 15 years of experience in using big data about people (e.g., government administrative data and EHR) to support timely evidence based decisions in research, policy analysis, evaluations, and clinical care. As one of few data scientist cross trained in the social and health domain science and computer science, her main research interest is in how to use the abundance of existing digital data, aka big data about people, to support accurate She is an expert in (1) record linkage and privacy, (2) sequential pattern mining, and (3) secure data infrastructure (e.g., online open data portals, computer security, IRB, data governance) for handling person level data . She currently serves on the Texas state IRB, TAMU IRB, and the Big Data Committee at Texas A&M University. She founded and currently leads the Population Informatics Lab that brings together computer scientists, statisticians, social scientists, health service researchers, and ELSI researchers to answer critical questions in SBEH (social, behavior, economic and health) sciences using preexisting big data about people as well as methods to support ethical use of big data about people. Population informatics applies data science to social genome data (digital traces of person level data) to answer fundamental questions about human society much like bioinformatics applies data science to human genome data to answer questions about individual health.

Data privacy laws in the US protect profit but prevent sharing data for public good – people want the opposite

Cason Schmit, Brian N. Larson and Hye-Chung Kum are faculty at the school of public health and the law school at Texas A&M University with expertise in health information regulation, data science and online contracts. U.S. data protection laws often widely permit using data for profit but are more restrictive of socially beneficial uses. They wanted to ask a simple question: Do U.S. privacy laws actually protect data in the ways that Americans want? Using a national survey, we found that the public’s preferences are inconsistent with the restrictions imposed by U.S. privacy laws.

Subjects: AI, Big Data, Digital Archives, Health, Healthcare, Information Management, KM, Privacy