Category «Columns»

Your Cheat Sheet for Local Rule Motion Practice Part Two: Central District of California

You know the Federal Rules backwards and forwards, but its compliance with the local rules that really makes a civil litigator look like a pro to colleagues and clients. In this ongoing LLRX series, the editorial team of SmartRules gives you the tools to navigate motion practice in these busy federal courts with ease and grace. We’ve outlined the key provisions and highlighted the pitfalls. Here’s what you really need to know about motion practice in the Central District of California.

Subjects: Local Rules

FOIA Facts – Ideas for Faster FOIA Processing

Scott A. Hodes notes that in the current Congress there are bills pending that would create a commission to come up with ideas for faster FOIA processing. He contends that by taking those ideas, along with a few days of congressional oversight hearings to solicit other opinions, Congress would have ample information to create an actual bill that would implement faster FOIA processing now rather than wait for a “commission” to come up with these same ideas.

Subjects: FOIA Facts, Freedom of Information, Legal Research

Your Cheat Sheet for Local Rule Motion Practice – Part One: Southern District of New York

You know the Federal Rules backwards and forwards, but its compliance with the local rules that really makes a civil litigator look like a pro to colleagues and clients. In this column, Wendy Schneider provides professionals with the tools to navigate motion practice in these busy federal courts by outlining the key provisions and highlighting the pitfalls.

Subjects: Local Rules

Of Refrigerators and E-Discovery

Conrad J. Jacoby’s commentary offers perspective on the complexities and nuances of technology innovations, in the home and in the office, causing him to reflect on how incomplete or incorrect impressions of how a responding party organizes and manages its business records impacts knowledge management and e-records.

Subjects: Case Management, Digital Archives, E-Discovery, E-Discovery Update, Features, Information Architecture, Legal Technology

The Government Domain: New & Free Regulations Trackers

Peggy Garvin reviews new, free, non-government resources that have recently come online to complement the official U.S. government regulatory information sites, and For this bounty, Peggy says researcher can thank innovative developers and the relatively new availability of a free XML version of the Federal Register that can be downloaded in bulk.

Subjects: Columns, E-Government, Government Resources, Legal Research, The Government Domain

FOIA Facts: Why the Wait?

Requesters who are new to using the FOIA statute often complain that they have filed a request within the last month but haven’t receive their documents yet. FOIA expert Scott A. Hodes explains that the congressional budgeting process does not specifically provide FOIA operations within an agency a set line item amount. Thus, FOIA Offices usually have limited resources from within their own agencies to fulfill requests.

Subjects: FOIA Facts, Freedom of Information, Government Resources

After Hours Goes to the Stars

Attorney, food writer, astrologer and Tarot master Kathy Biehl is a long term contributor to Her new column explores different avenues to understand the collective challenges that have become an integral part of our lives and perspectives over the past couple of years.

Subjects: 9-11-2001, After Hours