Category «Legal Research»

CongressLine: The Committee Markup

Paul Jenks describes how the committee markup is where the real work of Congress takes place. According to Paul, in the House, where floor amendments can be strictly regulated, they are the only place a member can propose a change. In some cases, the actual bill is written completely in a markup. This usually happens for appropriations bills, but is done increasingly for other really big bills.

Subjects: Congress, CongressLine, Legal Research, Legislative

Israeli Law Guide

This comprehensive guide by Ruth Levush provides an overview of the country’s legal system along with its chief characteristics, documents the court system and structure, the legal profession, official and unofficial statutory and regulatory sources, major compilations, case reports, legal commentaries, law journals and legal databases.

Subjects: Comparative/Foreign Law, International Legal Research

Cultural Challenges in Cross Border Mediation

Vikrant Singh Negi discusses how the role of cultural differences are crucial in cross border mediation. Although an individual’s nationality does not necessarily determine the attitudes and behavior brought to the table, it can provide valuable guidelines as to which negotiation strategies are likely to work and which are likely to end in failure.

Subjects: Arbitration & Dispute Resolution, Comparative/Foreign Law, Features, Legal Research