Category «Cyberlaw»

SOPAs Evil Twin Sister CISPA

Well known graphic artists Jake O’Neil and Spencer Belkofer created this infographic out of a sense of urgency to visualize the salient information with as many communities as possible. This bill, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011, has not garnered the media coverage of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), but its high impact implications target key legal issues involving privacy and intellectual property.

Subjects: Congress, Cyberlaw, Cyberlaw Legislation, Features, Intellectual Property, Privacy

The Impact of Social Networking Tools and Guidelines to Use Them

LaJean Humphries identifies the wide range of social networking sites with which researchers should be knowlegeable, and addresses legal, privacy and ethical concerns associated with their use. She also provides a bibliography of books, articles and reports that focus on the impact of social networking applications.

Subjects: Cyberlaw, Features, Government Resources, Legal Research, Libraries & Librarians, Privacy, Search Engines

Notes from the Technology Trenches – September, 1999

Notes from the Technology Trenches By Roger Skalbeck

Roger Skalbeck is the Electronic Initiatives Librarian at Howrey & Simon in Washington, D.C., and is the Web Master of the Law Librarian’s Society of Washington, D.C. Current work activities cover myriad aspects of electronic research resource evaluation, intranet content development, as well as research and technology training, all from a librarian’s point of view. This column reflects the personal views of the author, which are not necessarily those of his employer or any other organization. This column, of course, is 100% free of any legal advice.

Subjects: Cyberlaw, Notes from the Technology Trenches, Technology Trends, Web Management

Features – Electronic Commerce and Law on the Internet

Electronic Commerce and Law on the Internet By Bradley J. Hillis, M.A., J.D.

Bradley J. Hillis is a member of the Bar of State of Washington and the United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, author of several articles, including: “Considerations When Placing Court Opinions on the Internet,” “Internet Multimedia and Domestic Violence Prevention,” and “Internet Experiments in Electronic Court Filing.” Mr. Hillis graduated from Colorado College and holds Juris Doctor and Master of Arts degrees from the University of Washington.

Subjects: Cyberlaw, E-Commerce, Features