Category «Blogs»
Features – The State of the Law Library Blogosphere
The State of the Law Library Blogosphere
by Bonnie Shucha
Bonnie Shucha is Head of Reference, University of Wisconsin Law Library
The Tao of Law Librarianship: Reining In Your Inner Change Freak
Connie Crosby is Library Manager at WeirFoulds LLP in Toronto, Canada. She is a regular contributor to Slaw, a co-operative weblog about Canadian legal research and information technology, writes her own self-titled blogs for law librarians. and is the Canadian correspondent on Jim Milles’ law library podcast Check This Out! She is Co-Chair of the Northeast Regional Law Libraries Meeting to be held in Toronto – October 17-21, 2007, and currently serves on the Executive Board of the Canadian Association of Law Libraries.
Faulkner’s Practical Web Strategies for Attorneys: Four Ways to Enhance Your Firm Website
Frederick L. Faulkner IV is the Webmaster of the American Bar Association. Fred discusses the “big picture” regarding the Internet, marketing, and business at his website, From the 21st Floor.
Link to archive of Faulkner’s Practical Web Strategies for Attorneys
The Tao of Law Librarianship: The Truth About Blogging
Connie Crosby is Library Manager at WeirFoulds LLP in Toronto, Canada. She is a regular contributor to Slaw, a co-operative weblog about Canadian legal research and information technology, writes her own self-titled blogs for law librarians. and is the Canadian correspondent on Jim Milles’ law library podcast Check This Out! She is Co-Chair of the Northeast Regional Law Libraries Meeting to be held in Toronto – October 17-21, 2007, and currently serves on the Executive Board of the Canadian Association of Law Libraries.
Faulkner’s Practical Web Strategies for Attorneys: New Year’s Resolution: Update Your Website
Frederick L. Faulkner IV is the Webmaster of the American Bar Association. Fred discusses the “big picture” regarding the Internet, marketing, and business at his Website, From the 21st Floor
Faulkner’s Practical Web Strategies for Attorneys
Features – Researching Laws and Information on Nutritional and Dietary Supplements On the Web
Researching Laws and Information on Nutritional and Dietary Supplements On the Web
Joel Rothman is an attorney with the Florida law firm Rutherford Mulhall, P.A. where he practices intellectual property and business litigation. Joel maintains The Nutritional and Dietary Supplement Law Blog, a legal weblog on nutritional and dietary supplement regulation and litigation.
Published January 15, 2006
Features – Dennis Kennedy’s Legal Technology Predictions for 2006: Small Steps for Most Firms, Giant Leaps for a Few Firms
Dennis Kennedy’s Legal Technology Predictions for 2006: Small Steps for Most Firms, Giant Leaps for a Few Firms
By Dennis Kennedy
Dennis Kennedy is a well-known legal technology expert, technology lawyer and blogger. His blog and his web page are highly-regarded resources on technology law and legal technology topics. He is member of the ABA Law Practice Management Section’s Council and Webzine Board.
Beyond Google and Yahoo: Advanced Search
Looking for innovative, comprehensive, focused and reliable alternatives to the limited number of search engines that you have become all to used to relying upon for your research? If so, then Tom Mighell and Sabrina I. Pacifici‘s guide from their ABA TechShow 2006 presentation should be on your reading list.
The Tao of Law Librarianship: Librarian on the Verge of KM
Connie Crosby discusses the many paths that lead to implementing knowledge management solutions, as well as the collaborative process and applications already in use at many firms that that represent a useful foundation upon which to build and expand future programs and goals.