Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, October 19, 2024

Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, finance, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and wide ranging ways technology is used to compromise and diminish our privacy and online security, often without our situational awareness. Four highlights from this week: US Government Recovered $4 Billion Worth of Fraud With AI; Deepfakes Can Fool Facial Recognition on Crypto Exchanges; FTC announces rule to make it easier to cancel subscriptions; There’s Never Been a Better Time to Delete Your 23andMe Data. Here’s How to Do It; and For Customs and Border Protection, AI has been a ‘game-changer’

Subjects: AI, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Cybersecurity, Economy, Financial System

AI in Finance and Banking, October 15, 2024

This semi-monthly column by Sabrina I. Pacifici highlights news, government reports, NGO/IGO papers, industry white papers, academic papers and speeches on the subject of AI’s fast paced impact on the banking and finance sectors. The chronological links provided are to the primary sources, and as available, indicate links to alternate free versions. Six highlights from this post: FSB Roundtable on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Finance; Mastercard Blockchain Patent Could Make Financial Audits Easier; Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Management Accountants (MA) – Future of AIMA Model; Financial Machine Learning; The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) is soliciting academic research papers on the use of artificial intelligence in banking and finance; and upcoming seminar – How technology is reshaping the future of money and finance.

Subjects: AI in Banking and Finance, Blockchain, Economy, Financial System, Legal Education, Legal Research

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, October 12, 2024

Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, finance, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and wide ranging ways technology is used to compromise and diminish our privacy and online security, often without our situational awareness. Four highlights from this week: Why Multi-factor authentication (MFA) alone won’t protect you in the age of adversarial AI; HHS to crack down on providers blocking access to electronic medical records; Justice Department, Microsoft disrupt Russian intelligence cyber scheme; and Reports: China hacked Verizon and AT&T, may have accessed US wiretap systems.

Subjects: AI, Cybersecurity, Healthcare, Privacy, Technology Trends

The Heritage Foundation’s Reckless Misuse of FOIA to Target Individuals

In this Opinion, researched and authored by Michael Ravnitzky, he says that the Heritage Foundation’s current public records campaign is an abuse of the FOIA process. In recent years, the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project and its publishing spinoff, The Daily Signal, have filed an unprecedented and overwhelming number of FOIA requests – 65,000 according to Reuters and more than 50,000 according to ProPublica. According to recent articles, the goal of the requests is to scrutinize government employees’ communications, to identify (for example, individuals using keywords or phrases such as “climate change”, “reduction in force” or DEI) and potentially remove civil servants perceived as obstructive to Trump’s agenda, in preparation for a potential Trump administration.

Subjects: Digital Archives, E-Discovery, Freedom of Information, Government Resources, Legal Research, United States Law

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, October 5, 2024

Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, finance, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and wide ranging ways technology is used to compromise and diminish our privacy and online security, often without our situational awareness. Four highlights from this week: Why Microsoft’s Security Initiative and Apple’s Cloud Privacy Matter; AI assistants are blabbing our embarrassing work secrets; PayPal’s data sharing controversy: New setting raises privacy concerns; and Are Lesser-Known Browsers More Secure?

Subjects: AI, Cybersecurity, Economy, Privacy, Social Media

LLRX September 2024 Issue

Articles and Columns for September 2024 When Should Presenters Apologize? – Referencing decades of experience as a presenter and an attendee at presentations, Jerry Lawson cautions us not to begin a presentation with an apology, which can be compelled by a tech glitch or some other reason not within our control. Lawson states that the habit …

Subjects: KM

AI in Banking and Finance, September 30, 2024

This semi-monthly column by Sabrina I. Pacifici highlights news, government reports, NGO/IGO papers, industry white papers, academic papers and speeches on the subject of AI’s fast paced impact on the banking and finance sectors. The chronological links provided are to the primary sources, and as available, indicate links to alternate free versions. Six highlights from this post: Economic Policy Challenges for the Age of AI; How to Build Trust in Answers Given by Generative Ai for Specific and Vague Financial Questions; AI-Enabled Value Creation in International Business: Crossing the Boundary of Bounded Rationality; The rise of generative AI: modelling exposure, substitution and inequality effects on the US labour market; Intelligent financial system: how AI is transforming finance; and Is AI the Cornerstone for Financial Inclusion?

Subjects: AI in Banking and Finance, Cryptocurrency, Economy, Financial System

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, September 28, 2024

Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, finance, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex and wide ranging ways technology is used to compromise and diminish our privacy and online security, often without our situational awareness. Five highlights from this week: LinkedIn Halts AI Data Processing in UK Amid Privacy Concerns Raised by ICO – they automatically opted in all users; Lessons from the CrowdStrike outage; Verizon faces lawsuit over allegedly illegal collection of voiceprints; New feature of iOS 18 and later: Request or give remote control in a Facetime call on an iPhone; and Telegram Will Share User IP Addresses, Phone Numbers With Police Upon Request.

Subjects: AI, Copyright, Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Internet Trends, Legal Research, Social Media

When Should Presenters Apologize?

Referencing decades of experience as a presenter and an attendee at presentations, Jerry Lawson cautions us not to begin a presentation with an apology, which can be compelled by a tech glitch or some other reason not within our control. Lawson states that the habit of beginning with an apology is so old that it has a name in Medieval rhetoric, the captatio benevolentiae, meaning an attempt to capture the audience’s goodwill. Most importantly, It doesn’t work. Lawson highlights a range of scenarios for which an apology or no apology, are appropriate. His lesson applies to far more than presentations, as these reactions are common in a work environment where they may indeed not serve your objectives.

Subjects: Communication Skills, Continuing Legal Education, Education, Presentation Skills

2024 Link Guide to Employment Resources

This employment resources guide by Marcus P. Zillman spans multiple sectors, sources in the private and public sectors, on-site and remote work, job search engines, resume building resources, identifying job titles and respective skill requirements, and is inclusive of a focus on new job seekers and those with years of experience. Some of the sources such as LinkedIn will be familiar, but many will be new to you and will add capabilities to your efforts to develop and execute a successful job search process.

Subjects: Communication Skills, Economy, Education, Job Hunting