Category «Internet Resources»

Privacy Resources and Sites on the Internet

Marcus P. Zillman’s guide is a comprehensive listing of both free and low cost privacy resources currently available on the Internet. It includes associations, indexes and search engines, as well as websites and programs that provide the latest technology and information on Web privacy. This guide will help facilitate a safer interactive environment for your email, your internet browsing, your health records, your data storage and file sharing exchanges, and internet telephony.

Subjects: Computer Security, Email, Email Security, Internet Resources, Internet Resources - Web Links, Legal Research, Legal Technology, Mobile Tech, Privacy, Search Engines

Fiction is harder than fact, but the Web helps

Nicholas Pengelley’s wide ranging global career spans law librarian, lawyer, law professor and analyst for a major international NGO. Now as the author of a new political thriller he explains why writing fiction is much harder to write than fact, based on comparison to work accomplished to publish academic articles in his fields of expertise, and opinion pieces on political issues. He attributes the success of aspects of this project to effective and expansive Web research for sources and information to facilitate fact checking and information gathering, as well as to the use of a manuscript editing software, AutoCrit.

Subjects: Features, Internet Resources, Writing Skills

Knowledge Discovery Resources 2012 – An Internet MiniGuide Annotated Link Compilation

This guide by Marcus P. Zillman is focused on the latest and most competent resources for knowledge discovery available through the Internet from a wide range of open source authors and sponsors. These sites are sustained by academics, publishers, professional organizations, corporations, governments and NGOs. With the constant addition of new and pertinent information to the Web, a critical key is to find and leverage the relevant and reliable knowledge discovery resources and sites both in the visible and invisible World Wide Web. The selected knowledge discovery resources and sites compiled by Marcus provide a wealth of knowledge and information discovery sources to facilitate your research goals.

Subjects: Competitive Intelligence, Data Mining, Features, Information Management, Internet Resources, Internet Resources - Web Links, KM, Legal Technology, Portals, Search Engines, Technology Trends

Knowledge Discovery Resources 2010 – An Internet MiniGuide Annotated Link Compilation

Marcus P. Zillman’s latest guide is a touchstone from which all researchers seeking comprehensive, reliable and diverse resources for knowledge discovery via the Internet can benefit. The key is to be able to find the important knowledge discovery resources and sites both in the visible and invisible World Wide Web. This guide to selected knowledge discovery resources and sites offers excellent knowledge and information discovery sources to assist you attaining your research goals.

Subjects: Features, Internet Resources, Internet Resources - Web Links, Legal Technology, Reference Resources, Search Engines

Bridging the DiGital Divide: Custom Search Engines Put You in Control

Law librarian, legal research expert and blogger John J. DiGilio’s new column focuses on technology trends that leverage the web to achieve more efficient and effective results. Here John recommends using customized search engines to manage the sites you search.

Subjects: Internet Resources, Internet Trends, Law Librarians, Legal Research, Legal Technology, Libraries & Librarians, Search Engines, Search Strategies, Technology Trends

Deep Web Research 2008

According to Marcus P. Zillman, the “Deep Web” encompasses in the vicinity of 900 billion pages of information in various files and formats. Search engines currently locate approximately 20 billion pages, so this guide is a valuable tool for those who research a broad range of issues and seek wider access to a wide spectrum of reliable data, reports and information, regardless of format.

Subjects: Features, Internet Resources, Internet Resources - Web Links, Internet Trends, Reference Resources

Deep Web Research 2007

Marcus P. Zillman’s bibliographic guide highlights resources that focus on the history of deep web research, as well as dozens of topical sources that will contribute to your search and research efforts, through a range of respositories of valuable data, reports and scholarly literature.

Subjects: Features, Information Management, Internet Resources, Internet Resources - Web Links, Internet Trends, Legal Research, Search Engines, Search Strategies